Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Maasai Market

So, on our first day, Martha told us that at Maasai Market, you should bargain. Jane reiterated later that it's actually bad for the Arusha economy not to bargain. So, bargain we did! Marha explained that they will offer a price, you offer half, go to the middle to a point where you are comfortable and if you're not comfortable - walk away and they will cave. I am pretty proud of my strategy. As Joe doesn't like Gaby's sale shopping tactics, I know he's cringing right now if he's reading this. So, anyway - I would typically bargain down to a price I was comfortable with and stick to 1/2 as my final offer and then add on one or two small items to create an even amount. You don't want to say that 8000 TSH is your final offer and then pull out a bill for 10000. So, I found add-ons to make it even out. My final item was a carved box. The asked for 25000 and I got it for 11,600TSH. Exhilirating! We also saw some honeymooners from PA at the market. Does this picture remind anyone else of Rice's?

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