Saturday, June 13, 2009

And On A Positive Note...

With all of this new wackiness with both the size of baby and the amount of fluid, I feel like it's time to share some really good stuff. Now, I've been holding back on putting any of this in "print" because (a) as soon as I say it, it will backfire and change and (b) there are a lot of people who don't have this kind of luck and I'm not trying to push mine (luck that is). However, it's time. So, throughout this pregnancy, I had about two weeks of nausea near the beginning, and one illness that required medication just a week ago. Besides these two relatively minor things, I've been feeling GREAT. I haven't had to restrict any activity and even with the size of the belly, I haven't had any discomfort. There was one day of sciatica, but that was one day. I feel like I've had certain symptoms in order to develop an understanding of them and how yucky they are, however I've had nothing to complain about. A lot of people don't believe me, but quite frankly I have the best excuse ever to complain and I'm not. So, I have not had discomfort, shortness of breath, stretch marks, loose wobbly joints, etc.

I feel like a lot of this is due to yoga. I've been doing yoga since the start, except for part of the first trimester when I was just too tired. I wake up every morning and do Wii fitness and a pre-natal yoga program. I've found quite a few through the public library. Lindsay Brin does a neat program where she has a separate DVD for each trimester with different levels of activity to correspond. Denise Austin has a prenatal exercise video called "Fit and Firm Pregnancy" that is good for getting moving as it is more of a low impact aerobic workout. The programs I use with Denise Austin and Lindsay Brin are just shy of a half hour, so when time is tight that's what I choose. Shiva Rea has a pre-natal yoga DVD with corresponding accommodations for different levels as well, but is a little longer. And my favorite by far is a pre- and post-natal video (I haven't viewed the post-natal part yet, but plan to) which at first I thought was the kookiest thing, but now I love it. This DVD is called: The New Method Pre and Post Natal Yoga and features Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa. She is a yoga instructor based out of Los Angeles and according to the biography on the DVD her Sikh spiritual name means "One who helps people across the world ocean." I think she's super. Again, when I first viewed this segment, I was VERY skeptical, but once I did it a few times, I was really into everything she was saying and the movements that she has participants do as part of the exercises. There is also a live band with very soothing music playing in the studio during the session and an eclectic collection of women, many of whom remind me of people I know and Sandra Oh - the one woman looks just like her! The copyright is 2002 on this DVD, but I can't imagine looking at the clothing that that was when it was originally taped, which makes it all the more interesting. I hope that others can take this to heart and replicate the kind of comfort and feelings of well-being that I've had throughout my 8/9 months of pregnancy. Originally, I planned to invest in a DVD that I liked, but I decided to first try them out at the library. Then I decided why pay when I can continue to renew and or return and re-request these programs that I've found and enjoyed. So, at the same time I'll plug the library. It has been a great source for both reading and viewing to learn more about this exciting adventure.


Unknown said...

Ellen! 1/2 the battle with having a happy pregnancy is remaining positive. And even with your "hiccups" during pregnancy you have remained so.

It's no surprise you do yoga. I must admit that, while frustrating at times, knowing almost 20 women who are pregnant has made me want to try out a few new things when we decide to work on Baby #3. Having read your blog regularly, it's been refreshing having a peer out there who unabashedly says "Here's what I'm trying, think about it." Well, Yoga is now on the table as something to commit to for the 3rd pregnancy, whenever that may be!


Ellen Zschunke said...

I'm glad it's helped, Wendy - you were so helpful to me as well!! And, one of the women in the one video reminded me! So, that's fun!!!

Ellen Zschunke said...

And - I thought of other non-symptoms I haven't had, or not really. I had one night with a charlie horse, but I also got them before I was pregnant b/c as a former diver, I tend to point my toes at night involuntarily and get them stuck that way :) I also have not had swollen ankles, fingers, etc, or heartburn. The swelling/heartburn may be more related to dietary choices than yoga, but still - good to know.