Monday, July 6, 2009

Cram Session

Jeff and I had a date night the night that we found out I was 2 cm dilated, just in case. Since then, we've been "getting in" other date nights here and there, just in case. I feel like each moment is a stolen one that we need to treasure before it's all gone. That's not to say that we won't spend time together once the baby's here, but it will be different. So, since our movie night (now two weekends ago!) we've been out to dinner, yesterday we went to the carnival and today we're going to the movies during the day and mini-golfing in the evening. We've also been eating dinner together at home as often as possible and enjoying DVDs from the library. I feel like soon we'll be so consumed by the baby but it's also important to both of us not to lose touch with each other. Jeff's also looking forward to our "hospital vacation." It may be our last vacation for a while.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

mmm this was so nice to read. i love that you are fitting in these dates, I can picture you looking back on it in the future and smiling.