Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Record Breaker

Cecelia really stepped it up today. The AFI (amniotic fluid indicator) tech measured 44 centimeters of fluid. To clarify, our first measurement of this type found 21 centimeters, a second and third measurement found 30 centimeters and at our follow up consult the perinatologist indicated that 30 was high but not too high. He told us at that appointment (about two weeks ago) that a number above 40 was really high and that's when we should worry. So you can imagine my reaction when the tech told me 44. Uh oh. The tech indicated that that was the most fluid she had EVER seen. I'm totally checking into the Guinness Book about this. I want credit if it's really THAT much. So after a waiting game to talk to my doctor this afternoon/evening, she's decided to schedule an induction for Monday. Which could mean Monday and it could mean Tuesday, but now (since I'd really prefer to avoid the whole pitocin issue) I'm going to start going for long long walks and doing just about anything else suggested in order to get things moving prior to Monday. Suggestions?

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