Monday, September 12, 2011

Beach Baby

Last weekend, we went to the beach in Sea Isle City. Cece has been to the beach for short trips each summer. Throughout that time, she has had different reactions to the sand and water. You might say she has a love/hate relationship. Last summer, one trip, she wouldn't touch the sand. She was repulsed. By the end of last summer, she was running all over the sand. This trip, she was back to disgust. Her toes curl and she points and frets at the grains of sand. Aunt Sheila tried to lower her onto the sand and she kept her feet elevated by extending her legs into a straddle and raising her legs ever higher to ensure that they never touched the sand. Try it. It's really hard. Her musculature is amazing. On the love end of things, Cece enjoyed the water more than ever before. She was thrilled and kept signing for more. Even though she was fuh-reezing. She probably would have stayed in the ocean, with some willing participant holding her the whole time of course, all day long. I love that she enjoys the ocean. And hopefully next summer, she'll be back to loving the sand too.

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