Thursday, November 20, 2008

Posting in Private

For the time being, I'm posting in private to record this very special time in our lives. We're having a baby!! Jeff and I found out on Saturday, November 15th that we'll be having a baby in July. Since it is early (very early) we're keeping it under wraps until after our doctor's visit. We're planning to tell more people over the holidays. So far we have let our parents in on the secret. It's kind of nice to keep this to ourselves. I feel like once I tell everyone that's all they'll want to talk about - similar to wedding planning. Right now I can pretend to be a "normal" person, not just a pregnant person. Soon enough, baby will make itself quite evident. Our first prenatal appointment is December 16th, a full month after we found out! From what I've read, it's even possible that we'll have an ultrasound then - time will tell. Today I am 7 weeks along. A website called "The Bump" (from the people who brought you The Nest/The Knot) has a chart to illustrate "How Big is Baby?" in fruit and veggies. I love it - I have a blueberry right now. Check it out!

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