Friday, April 18, 2008

Week 13 - ED566E.1

Wow - last night, I was made aware how close we are to the end of class and to presenting our final project. The time has really flown by - you know what they say about that when you're having fun! I feel like I've really expanded my knowledge of current technology applications and their applicability to my classroom use. I am excited to complete our final project and share it. We are utilizing a wiki to input our information for the final paper portion of the project and we've incorporated a LOT of applications into our website. I did end up creating a podcast with my class and it ended up being not too painstaking. Check it out here: I was really proud of the students and I'm planning to do another podcast about Earth Day this week.

1 comment:

wangc said...

v nice! it'd make a great soundtrack for a slide show. Next step?