Friday, April 11, 2008

Week 12 - ED566E.1

At last night's class, we delved further into Skype. We discovered some new capabilities to personalize our skype accounts such as changing the background and adding a character. In fact, I just took a look at my wee mee again on Skype just now (tee hee). I think I'll try to add it to the sidebar so you can see it! We also experimented more with audacity, an audio input program, which I learned is open source. I learned more about podcasting from my Independent Learning Paper about podcasting. Through writing this paper, I explored already existing podcasts, including "Bobby Bucket" which is linked through "Links I Love" on the right hand side of this page. This podcast was created by Bob Sprankle a few years ago and it is fantastic. I hope to be able to do something similar in the future! We also discussed some of the technology planning issues addressed in reading and if it is relevant for us to be part of the planning issues in the school library. Overall, if I have a future in the school library, I know that I will be an advocate for technology, its availability and its use and usability. I am an advocate now and if anything, that would only increase in that new role. Hopefully I'll get the opportunity to find out one day!

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