Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

So, since Cecelia isn't a huge fan of costumed characters, we don't have particularly high expectations for Halloween this year.  Christmas last year was a scream!  Cecelia did surprisingly well during our Halloween Parade this past Friday at school but required being held at all times and clung tightly to me several times when scarily dressed students approached.  But, sidenote, she has QUITE a fan base at Pine Road.  Since her picture (with her name carved in the sand) is quite prominent on my desk at school, many students called to her from the parade route.  After the parade, she was a big fan of the goldfish crackers in the classroom parties that we visited and had a blast playing the dramatic play center in one kindergarten classroom.  While we had three borrowed costumes to choose from, she chose the least "costumey" and most "outfitty" costume.  While more like an outfit (a costume in disguise), she still made for a super cute pumpkin.  In fact, she wanted to put it right back on again the next day, so I don't think we'll have any trouble getting her into costume for trick-or-treating tonight.  But I do not think a tiger or monkey will be in her future.  Happy Halloween to all!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Awesome! Have a blast!