Monday, January 21, 2008

Week 1 - ED566E.1

Well, I've just begun my spring semester at Arcadia, and I'm really excited about the two courses I'm currently taking and the way they dovetail so nicely. One is Technology for the School Librarian, and the other is Using Technology in the Design of Global Collaborations. Both are instrumental in guiding my understanding of how to incorporate new, and existing technologies, into my classroom practice as well as future applications in the school library media center. At this past Thursday's class, we discussed different topics for reflective writing in response to articles and self directed, problem based learning. I'm really looking forward to this self directed learning as I feel this will futher enhance my understanding of blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other applications in the classroom. The more I understand, the better I can communicate the implications of these tools to students and administrators. I've begun to search for articles to use and have found many relevant to my interests. I feel that taking these two classes simultaneously will really help to further my understanding and this course specifically will help me to make these applications realistic for the school library media center.

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